how to tell what putter toe hang to use

Accept you lot e'er considered what affect the putter grip can have on your ability to sink as many putts as possible? Fifty-fifty though the putting swing is not a full swing with a lot of strength, it tin have a big impact on your putting what grip you use. Nosotros will show you how to cull a putter grip.

Many golfers will just putt away with the stock grip already mounted from the factory. While this might exist fine for some people, some volition benefit from thicker grips, thinner grips, non-tapered grips or whatever types at that place are available. Read on to learn more than about the five major points on how to choose the best putter grip for yous. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an chapter advert programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advert fees by advertising and linking to Purchasing through these links will be at no actress cost to you, but information technology will aid us out.

Why Is It Important To Get The Right Doodle Grip?

"Driving is for bear witness, putting is for dough", "The putter is the money-guild", there has been a lot of putting quotes through the years, and most of them come up downwards to the fact, that putting is where it all matters. Information technology's where you make or break your round. If yous're not good at putting, you volition never be a good golfer.

Since putting is such an important office of the game, why not enhance it where you tin can? There are many factors to a good putt; reading the green, getting the pace right, aiming where you want the ball to go, etc. These are all factors that are hard to main. What's non that hard is finding a grip that fits you lot, and with a little bit of experimenting, you might be able to notice the grip, that will help yous aim correctly and go the correct stride on the ball.

The importance of the correct putter grip cannot be stressed enough. As with grips for the other clubs information technology matters that the size fit your hands, the experience of the grip is what you lot adopt, it has the features you're looking for, and some people also notice price to be important.

It requires some thought to observe the correct grip, and below we will help you make the decisions easier.

Size – Does It Matter?

Every golfer has a preferred grip. When information technology comes to putting, there are quite a variety of different gripping methods, and depending on which one you adopt, it might be beneficial to have a wait at the grip size.

Traditional Grips

The traditional putter grip will be of standard thickness and thickest at the peak, with a tapering profile towards the bottom. Depending on which manus is on the top and which is on the bottom you volition utilise different pressure level to the grip and this might or might not have an touch on your stroke. Almost putters will come with a traditional type grip, and then y'all accept a take chances to try that out before going for another type of grip. Be certain to read the side by side department before deciding whether to go traditional or venture into the more than special putter grips.

Taper Or Not

A manufacturer like SuperStroke came out with non-tapered grips to make grip pressure on both hands equal. Some of the earth's all-time putters utilize traditional grips, so information technology'southward non possible to say that one is improve than the other.

For beginners and intermediate golfers, the non-tapered grip might offer benefits, in that you lot don't have to exist and so enlightened of your grip pressure. It volition accept some things out of the equation in the putting stroke. Thick grips will however brand it harder to approximate the speed of the swing and therefore the length of the putt.

So you should think about it an extra time if y'all're struggling with getting the right length on your putts. For the golfers who'due south in command of the length of the putts, it might be worth it to try a non-tapered grip, for accuracy.

Fabric Composition


With a gentle stroke similar the putter stroke, compactness should accept less to say for virtually golfers. It can however be of preference to have a firmer or softer grip. Most putter manufacturers will have models of different firmnesses, so information technology should be quite piece of cake to find something to your liking.

Surface Texture

With the evolution of the grip manufacture, surface textures have come to play a bigger and bigger part. Naturally, these new materials and manufacturing methods volition likewise apply to putter grips. It is possible to get actress tacky grips if that's what you adopt, but nearly too brand the good old safety grips with the feeling that we're used to. The pattern in the surface can vary from loads of dimples to none at all.


Similar with society grips, there are many possibilities when shopping for a new putter grip. The pistol blazon resembles the handle of a pistol, hence the name. They become way back, several hundred years, and most players consider these the traditional grips.

There is a cracking article on MyGolfSpy where they tested pistol grips vs straight grips.

In essence, the pistol grip promotes a more closed clubface at bear upon, while the straight grip delivered a slightly open clubface. Depending on your putter's center of gravity and what you're struggling with, y'all might want to look into which of the two grip types could benefit you lot. If y'all have a putter with CoG closer to the toe and you have a trend to push the ball right of your aim (for correct-handed players) the pistol grip might exist for y'all.

In the latest years, the thick non-tapered putter grips accept made an impression on many weekend golfers and even pros. Actually thick doodle grips have some wins on tour, and then they must not be that bad. The single greatest thing nigh the thick putter grips is the fact that they have the power to lock your wrists more than traditional grips during the stroke. This results in less unintended movement of the clubface and thus a truer putt. In plow, this leads to better accuracy, but the thick grip likewise comes with a downside. The thickness means reduced experience during longer putts, the corporeality of material only dampens the stroke.

In add-on to dissimilar shapes of grips, there is a possibility to experiment with the weights. Swingweight can have a massive impact on your distance accurateness, and then it tin actually be worth it to dial this in. Some grips come up in calorie-free or heavy versions, and some grips volition even come with congenital in counterweights, so you lot can customize it on the go. SuperStrokes version of interchangeable weights is called CounterCore, check out the video beneath.


The quality of the putter grip will become less of import since it is not exposed to the article of clothing and tear of normal grips. Some may argue that quality and condolement come hand in hand, and that might exist truthful in some cases. But with putter grips, it really doesn't thing if it's 1 of the top quality brands, as long as yous're happy yourself. I've seen players who putt like a dream with an quondam stiffened and croaky Pingman grip – so anything goes. In our All-time Doodle Grip commodity, we'll be reviewing putter grips and also take quality into account. Then if you're interested, be sure to bank check it out.


As with annihilation else in this world, price can vary a lot. You lot tin can become for the cheap option and that might be the best for you. So don't just assume that going expensive volition improve your game. Y'all'll see the guy with the cool BMW, perfect vesture (and hair), and the newest most expensive equipment. But when it comes down to information technology, golf game is a game of skill, and money can't buy you that – information technology takes difficult work. So you're just equally likely to beat the BMW-guy, even though you don't accept the expensive stuff, considering you put more hours in at the training grounds.

That being said, putter grips range around $5 to $30 depending on brand and features. And then it's not something that'll suspension the bank, and it might just do the trick for you and eliminate most of those 3-putts 😉 On peak of the grip cost, there will be a regripping cost, but yous should do it yourself if you want to save some $$$.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Which Is The Best Putter Grip?

That will be impossible to answer specifically. The best putter grip is the one that feels best in your hands. It volition eliminate wrist movement or ameliorate your altitude accuracy. It all depends on what you're struggling with. Bank check out our review commodity, for some suggestions and comparisons of what nosotros believe is the all-time putter grips out there.

What Are The Best Golf game Grips?

This is besides a very subjective matter. The grips on the clubs are a little more enervating, than the ones on your putter. They are bailiwick to more wear and tear, and information technology is imperative that you have a good grip on the club in all weather conditions. We've put together an article about what to expect out for when buying new grips, and some specific examples in this article.

How Do Y'all Hold A Putter Like Tigers Forest?

Tiger Woods have been considered ane of the best putters in the world at the peak of his career. He's done some tweaks to his grip during the years, but many consider it to be a "conventional" type grip.

If yous are right-handed you can grip similar Tiger by taking yous left hand and placing information technology highest on the putter grip.

So accept your correct hand and place information technology below the left. Both palms should exist parallel to eachother with the thumbs running down the grip.

The left forefinger now goes on peak of the fingers on the right hand. This way he kind of interlocks the hands and both easily are as one unit of measurement.


Featured Photograph by Morgan David de Lossy on Unsplash


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